Ways To Become Immortal

Mythology speaks of innumerable ways of becoming immortal, real ways by which any normal human can achieve eternal life. I thought you would list ten ways you would like to try. Such methods tend to come from ancient legends, and were often adopted by folklore more recently. Personally, I do not want to achieve immortality, so maybe someone can try these methods and let me know how successful they were. So here are ten ways to become immortal.

Golden Apple

Various mythologies describe the golden apple. Norse mythology told that apples preserve youth, but the golden apple preserves youth forever. They are grown and consumed by the gods in their magical orchard at the land of the gods. The gods consume golden apples to maintain their power. But one day, the trickster god Loki stole the golden apples and gave them to a giant. Without their apples the gods grew old and weak - but they gave humans a brief window to attain a golden apple, and achieve eternal youth. Before long the gods took Loki prisoner. And under threat of torture I returned the golden apples. Some legends tell that at least one golden apple remains on Earth just waiting to be found.

Make An Elixir Of Life
There have been various attempts by Alchemists to create an elixir of life, some kind of potion to grant humans immortality. They were inspired to do so by both European and Asian folklore. The first emperor of China eleven sent to one thousand person party to find the elixir of life. But the search party never returned. It's unknown what happened to them. It's said an 18th century count created the elixir of life and never died. I have secretly traveled across Europe for the next few centuries before committing suicide. Hindu mythology tells of a magical nectar created by the gods. That nectar grants people eternal life but the only way to drink it is to practice Yoga to a high level.

Attain The Philosophers Stone
The philosophers stone is a legendary object which allows it's owner to turn base metals into gold. Countless alchemists have attempted to create the stone, as they really loved gold, but also because the stone could grant it's owner immortality. The ancient Greeks believed in the stone and the legend was passed down through the centuries to the point where the term "Magnum Opus" came to describe efforts to create the stone. Magnum Opus means "The great work" - as creating the stone was considered the ultimate goal for alchemists. Nicholas Flamel was a 14th century alchemist who reportedly created the stone, as did George Ripley - but both men are now dead so I guess it did not work.


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